Minecraft Survival of 1000 Days From day 4000 to 5000.
Loony, one of the greatest Minecraft builders and I think he is the number one. The video, which is at the end of the page, is all about Minecraft survival of 1000 days from day 4000 to 5000 and building stuff.
Lonny survived 5000 days in Minecraft hardcore world, and it is not the first time. The video is all about building a Castle, Halloween Palace, Underground, Flying House and lastly Ocean Monument, being the most beautiful one among these I mentioned and the most complex one to build.
The Flying House, the first base he built. It is cute, combined with nature and the smallest base of all. In addition, I do not see Lonny use it a lot, it is pretty old project and not so many things he can do with it, so it is obvious why he does not use it, but it is beautiful and adds something to his world.
The castle is the greatest of all bases and the hardest at the same time due to it is size, lots of details and I mean it. It is detailed so much even Loony himself gets confused sometimes. Castle divided into 3 sections, upper-castle, lower-castle and underground. The underground is what it makes this base the hardest, while upper-castle and lower-castle makes it the most detailed one.
The Halloween Palace was a quick one for a challenge, he built under 5 hours, and it was not actually base, it was just for the view. But Loony did not want it to be empty, so he built a sheep farm inside it.
Finaly the ocean monument, the most beautiful and heroic base he built, also he calls it arena. The reason he calls it arena is because he fights with monster on arena in order to collect their heads.
That is it, there is nothing to cover now. I gave all the information about video which is you can find at the end of the page.
I Survived 5000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore [FULL MOVIE]
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